Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I'm 6 months old!

Happy Thanksgiving! Grandma Kaye knitted this cool hat for me, she is so talented.
My expressive eyebrows clearly came from my daddy. Dad was annoyed that my mom was taking too many pictures, can you blame her?!

I'm a pretty princess. Cousin Addison and I wore our princess outfits on Christmas Eve.
Merry Christmas! We were snowed in on Christmas day with nearly 20 inches of snow on the ground. I also tried cereal for the first time, I did not like it too much.
O! What a Baby! I LOVE Omaha because it is my Homaha!
Big girl! My first time in a high chair. Mom and I went out to lunch with Aunt Brenda after the New Year.
Happy New Year! My New Year's Eve party with Will Freeland, Stella Neal and Jackson Seger.
DJ Krazy K8
A nice Saturday evening with Aunt Megan. I can't wait to meet my newest playmate next fall, I hope he/she is as cool as McKenna.
I'm a little love bug. Aunt Brenda bought this outfit for me when I had my 6 month birthday. No, I am not spoiled...I am loved!
Just another Sunday in the day in the life of Kate Shearer.